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Addressing Misaligned Teeth with Clear Aligner Treatment

Misaligned teeth not only impact one’s appearance but also pose significant oral health risks, including increased susceptibility to tooth decay and gum disease. However, many individuals hesitate to pursue traditional braces due to concerns about discomfort, visibility, and lifestyle disruption. Clear aligner treatment has emerged as a transformative alternative, addressing these hesitancies with its discreet, removable, and comfortable design. 

Misaligned Teeth Clear Aligners in Aliso Viejo CA Area

At Claire Cho DDS in Aliso Viejo, California, we understand the implications of misaligned teeth on oral health and explore how clear aligner therapy has revolutionized orthodontic care, making it more accessible and appealing to a wider range of patients.

Implications of Misaligned Teeth

Misaligned teeth can cause oral health problems like difficulty cleaning, leading to tooth decay and gum disease. It can also affect speech, chewing efficiency, and jaw joint function. Beyond oral health, it may impact self-esteem. Seeking orthodontic treatment can correct misalignment, improving both oral health and confidence.

How Clear Aligner Treatment Works

Clear aligner treatment utilizes custom-made, transparent trays to gradually shift teeth into proper alignment. A digital scan or impression is initially taken to create a 3D model of the patient’s teeth. Using advanced computer software, a series of aligners are designed to exert precise, controlled force on specific teeth. Patients wear each set of aligners for about one to two weeks, gradually progressing to the next set as teeth move. The aligners are removable for eating, brushing, and flossing, offering convenience and flexibility. Regular check-ups monitor progress. This discreet and comfortable approach effectively corrects misalignment, offering a desirable alternative to traditional braces.

Call Our Office for More Information
New Patients : (949) 541-2529 | Existing Patients : (949) 831-8826
Schedule an Appointment

Three Benefits of Clear Aligner Treatment

  1. Discreet Appearance: Clear aligners are nearly invisible, allowing patients to undergo orthodontic treatment without the noticeable appearance of traditional braces
  2. Comfortable Experience: Clear aligners are custom-made from smooth, comfortable materials, reducing discomfort or irritation often associated with metal brackets and wires
  3. Improved Oral Hygiene: Clear aligners are removable, enabling patients to maintain their regular oral hygiene routine of brushing and flossing without the hindrance of brackets and wires

Find Out if Clear Aligner Treatment is Right for You

If you are in the Aliso Viejo, CA area, call Dr. Claire Cho at (949) 541-2529 to book a consultation

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Dr. Claire Cho, Claire Cho DDS, CA

Claire Cho, DDS, has been serving patients for over 31 years.

She is passionate about applying new knowledge in her practice and attends continuing education courses annually. These advanced courses have enabled her to gain specialized knowledge on implantology, dental prosthetics, soft tissue grafting, neuromuscular occlusion, and bone and tissue regeneration.

Dr. Cho is one of the few dentists in Orange County offering LANAP (Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure), the FDA-approved gum disease treatment that doesn’t involve cutting and sewing. She combines science with an artistic eye to transform the smiles and lives of patients. Her recent accolades include nominations for Best of LA Cosmetic Dentist and Top Doc of Orange County by Orange Coast magazine and being awarded fellow status by the International Congress of Oral Implantologists.

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