What to Expect With Pinhole Gum Surgery
Most people develop receding gums due to plaque build-up due to poor oral hygiene. This results in the development of gingivitis, which is a mild and common type of gum disease. When gums recede, they create other problems in the mouth. However, pinhole gum surgery can provide a non-invasive solution to help repair receding gums.

What is Pinhole Gum Surgery?
Pinhole gum surgery is a more advanced and less invasive surgery to help correct receding gums. When the tissue around the tooth recedes, it exposes the tooth root and causes gaps between the teeth and gums, allowing harmful bacteria to build-up in the gaps. Once the gums have receded, surgical intervention is necessary to correct the problem.
The procedure for pinhole gum surgery is simple and effective. The dentist prepares the mouth for this particular procedure and then uses a needle to make a pinhole in the gum near the root or base of the tooth. Once the dentist makes the hole, the gum tissue is loosened and moved to cover the areas where the gums receded.
Special tools made precisely for this procedure make it easier for the dentist to get the best results. Rather than using a scalpel to cut, they can effectively create new tissue growth that quickly creates a better environment for the teeth. No stitching is necessary, and recovery times are fast. In addition, this procedure doesn’t cause much swelling or pain. It’s a better way to treat receding gums to protect your smile.
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Find Out More About Pinhole Gum Surgery
If you suffer from receding gums and want to repair the condition, you may be a good candidate for pinhole gum surgery. The pinhole surgical procedure is fast and effective and helps you get a healthier mouth to prevent future problems.
To get started, contact the Claire Cho, DDS team. Schedule an exam and consultant to determine if this solution suits your situation. Dr. Claire Cho can explain the procedure in depth and offer insight into your dental health and outlook. Call the office at (949) 541-2529 to make an appointment. Residents of Aliso Viejo can count on professional services that help restore their smiles.
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