Does Your Smile Need an Esthetic Boost? Discover All that a Smile Makeover Can Do
An unattractive smile can certainly take the joy out of smiling. Rather than hide your smile, give it an esthetic boost with a smile makeover. A smile makeover can give your pearly whites a stunning, new appearance! Personalized dental makeover services from Claire Cho DDS, Aliso Viejo, California, put your dream smile well within reach.
The Smile Makeover Process
Dr. Cho can transform a flawed smile into one of beauty using one or more cosmetic dental treatments. A smile makeover can also improve tooth and gum health to maintain your smile’s beauty long-term. A healthy smile will make you look and feel your best.
Dr. Cho will start by assessing your mouth, gums, and teeth to see what problems need to be fixed. We may take X-rays to check your bone health beneath the gum line. Good oral health is a must before beginning cosmetic procedures. Next, we’ll discuss what goals you want to achieve through your treatment. We’ll take digital impressions of your mouth and create a 3D simulation of your teeth to help us outline a customized treatment plan.
Impressive Results of a Smile Makeover
A smile makeover offers the perfect solution if your smile needs major upgrades. Dr. Cho and our team offer the following cosmetic procedures to make your smile all that it can be:
- Professional teeth whitening to give you dazzling white teeth
- Dental bonding and porcelain veneers to conceal tooth flaws and improve the size and shape of your teeth to make your smile appear more even
- Dental crowns to repair and restore damaged teeth
- Gum contouring to reshape your gums to correct a gummy smile
- Orthodontics to straighten crooked teeth, close gaps in your smile, and correct problems with overcrowding
- Implants, dentures, and bridges to replace missing teeth
Schedule an Appointment
Smile Makeover Near Me
Don’t settle for a blasé smile when you can have the smile of your dreams. Contact Dr. Claire Cho in Aliso Viejo at (949) 541-2529 today to learn more about our smile makeover treatments.
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